
Showing posts from January, 2016

Mario 4 Ever [ PC GAME ]

We know that Mario is looking for the princess. We also know that she will be in another castle for a long time. But still, Mario does not give up searching for her and for almost 30 years, we do not give up trying to help him

Slope Calculator

A slope describes the steepness of a line. It is also known as gradient. The slope or gradient of a straight line can be calculated when  points (Level 1) and (Level 2) are given. In this calculator, you can find the slope and equation of the straight line with two given points (two point slope form).

Convert to Polyline - Swap

 Two commands, to convert in both directions between a Circle and a circular (two-equal-arc-segment closed) Polyline, such as the Donut command makes.  Both commands: 1. ask User to select again if they miss, pick an incorrect object type, or pick an object on a locked Layer; 2. remove selected/converted object, but can easily be edited to retain it; 3. account for different Coordinate Systems; 4. retain non-default/non-Bylayer color, linetype, linetype scale, lineweight, and/or thickness.

Custom Line Type Creator

Create Your Own Line Types With This Lisp

Clean Your Drawing

Clean Your AutoCAD Drawings With This Lisp.